Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Colors of Fall

Having experienced all the other seasons here in Colorado, I was very excited to finally get to witness Autumn here. I'll admit, at first I was rather skeptical. The colors in the midwest are pretty amazing so I thought Colorado had a lot to compete with. Well, folks, this beautiful state sure surprised me!!! The colors are fantastic!!

Last Friday, rather last minute, Dan and I decided to go experience the changing Aspen trees first hand. Since where we wanted to go was too far to drive all in one day, Dan found a cheap hotel. He was supposed to get off at 8pm but we're so thankful he got off early: 6:30pm. So, we drove up and spent the night in Salida. The next morning, we jumped back into our faithful Jeep and hit the road.
At this point we are thinking, "Wow! This is awesome!"
If we only knew how much better it'd get!
This is where we were headed.
In Gunnison, we talked to a gentleman in the gas station who suggested an area he thought would be full of color. It ended up being the same spot Dan's parents suggested when we were asking their advice.

I've never seen such rich golds and burnt oranges!
So we're driving...trying to take it all in...
And we reach the trail head. Aspen leaves carpeted the ground. (Notice the handsome guy in the background.;)
Suddenly, this pops into view. Pretty sure I squealed in delight!
Like Dan said, how can you observe this (and all God made) and say there is no God? And how can you say that he doesn't want us to enjoy what he has so wonderfully created?!?!
Just the two of us :)
We kept trying to soak it all in, but there was just so much to see!
The Aspens looked lovely with their golden leaves contrasting their white trunks.

Once we left that particular trail, tried to cut over to Crested Butte via Jeeping trails. We never made it through (roads kept dead ending) but the ride was fun nonetheless.

We ran into several ferocious animals...a coyote...and...
some cows... :)
Did some serious jeep'n on roads so narrow we barely fit and
wended our way through some mud.
Yep, God is an amazing Artist!
We dined here; relishing some stone-brick baked pizza.
And ended the day with a sunset.
Wonderful day. Period.


  1. beautiful!!
    Now how do you say that town? Looks like crested butt:)

    Got your watch...will get it fixed. I wonder what I did when making that...it shouldn't have broken already:(.


  2. that third to last picture is incredible!! : )

  3. Sandra: I'm not sure...there was a little tiny like cut in the rubber. I might have snagged it or something too! Thanks for fixing it!

    And...its pronounced bUte.Long U. I know...I thought it looked like Crested Butt too! :P

  4. WOW! Those are some amazing pics. You did a great job capturing the beauty. I feel like I can never get a good landscape pic. Looks like you guys had a beautiful day. Loveya

  5. Wow, those are great pictures, makes me want to come see it, maybe next year :-)

  6. Crested Beaut.

    I guess I'm slow to comment, but seriously, judging by the fotos, you missed the best color. Just wait till next year!
