Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Playing Catch-Up

So I've failed lately at keeping this whole blogging thing up to date! So here's a few picture in an attempt to catch things up to the present!
So onto a big deal! My dear friend Dani Wuthrich married Luke Furrer!  It was such a beautiful weekend. It's interesting how happiness and beauty accompany God's plans. And Dani and Luke are proof of that!

A good ol' Indiana sunrise!
Before the "prettyin' up" process began. I was definitely feeling (and looking) the early morning!

 Tada! Dress and shoes in place..looking lovely!
 Finishing touches: sashes tied, straps sewed on!

The lovely Melissa!

 Mr. & Mrs. Furrer!
 Great friends with great husbands!
 Alisha and Mark came back from Haiti for a couple weeks.

The next thing I'm sharing involves lots of  games of "Uno" and "Sorry!", coloring pages, and smiles! I was so blessed to keep Micheal and David Stoller. They are my sister-in-law Kristi's brothers. We had a blast! They spent several days with my while their Dad worked and their mom visited someone special....

David teaching Dan how to use his video game.

LOVE the smile on Mike's face! :)

 I've pretty much decided that those games are too hard for me!
So....you might be wondering who this "special person" is?!?! Our new niece Soraya Grace Leman! I think Joel and Kristi are really enjoying their precious little princess! Not to mention her older "big brothers"! Dan and I CANNOT wait to meet her when we visit them in Mexico come August (that's right! Its SOON!)

What a sweetie! :)

There will be more catching up to come! Until next time folks....


  1. Yea! An update! : ) I love reading your blog! Great to see you while you were in IN!

  2. Always enjoy your posts. I'm sure "the brothers" enjoyed the love you and Dan showed them. Love is such a circle, it always comes back to us.

  3. yeah a post!! Im ready for your next catch up session:). Enjoy your time in Mexico when you go. Love ya

  4. You're an aunt!! Wow, first grand baby for your in-laws and Kristi's. Glad you get to go see them in Mexico. I'll be waititng for more pics:) Loveya, Joy<><

  5. Loved the pics, and, as always, love hearing about what's going on over there:) I really enjoyed getting to chat with you the other day, congrats on your little niece! Love you!

  6. AMEN to the "I've pretty much decided those games are too hard for me!" I can NEVER figure them out. Thanks so much for watching them; I'm jealous you got to spend so much time with them!
