Monday, October 3, 2011

Family in Abundance!

(And its a wonderful thing!)

For six days in early September I would have been found either traveling to/from or enjoying my time in Illinois with my mom-in-law! We went to help Grandpa Hodel with a garage sale. (As avid garage sale-ers ourselves, it was fun being on the flip side!) I really had a lot of fun (minus missing my husband!). It was such a great get-away with just Mom Leman and we got lots of time to chat. (I'm pretty sure we talked the whole flight there!) Spending a lot of time with Grandpa gave me opportunity to get to know him more and to listen to his fabulous stories! He's a keeper of a Grandpa! And obviously I enjoyed being with my brother and sister-in-law! Some disc golf, chilling at Caleri's (their bakery), and dinners together. As the oldest in my family, I don't think I mind being the baby of Dan's family! :) All around, it was a great glad we made it! Thanks Mom!
Garage sale hosted at Caleb and Erin's 
 Mom and Aunt Lelia! (Plus Aunt Ellen too! If only she wouldn't run away from my camera! ;) We had a lovely time just us girls talking and munching on Caleri's sweets.
AND, Sunday night we had dinner at Uncle Neil and Aunt Lelia's...and I got to meet some more first cousins! :)

About that family in abundance....MUCH MORE to come!! heehee....if you only knew..... :)


  1. Fun! Fun! The blog's looking really cute!

  2. We enjoyed the both of you.....can't wait for you to come again!! I remember lots of giggling!!

  3. Your comment on the bottom of your blog makes if sound like you are pregent!!!!!!
