Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Gutwein Ladies

 In the middle of August we were very blessed to have some of my favorite ladies visit us! My mom, sister Alisha, Grandma Gutwein and Aunt Joan! We spent a lovely long weekend with them. They arrived late Wednesday night and left late Monday morning. We packed a lot in those days! Dan was only scheduled to work Saturday which was the shower so it worked out great to have him along almost everyday! :)

FYI: I didn't  take a single one of these photos...so you have my Grandma, Aunt and Mom to thank! I'm terrible at taking photos!

Thursday was "Mountain Day". We went up Mt. Evans (don't worry, Grandma and didn't hike!)
 We then enjoyed a picnic lunch by a lake! The weather was beautiful!
 We then explored Idaho Springs...and some of the thrift/gift shops there...
 And the train!
 Sweet Corn! They hadn't had any yet this year.
Friday was "Tour Day". It all started with where we'll be living soon: Dad and Mom Lemans! It was nice to be able to show there where we'll be living.
 Then off to Celestial Seasonings! Totally gonna be the new style...I mean, come on!
 Before getting hatted up
 Lunch at Qdoba...and some lemons and limes...
 Next stop: Hammond's Candy!
 A big day, but we still had energy for a game of Pictionary! (And maybe a paper airplane flying contest. We're Gutwein's remember? How could you ever spend time together without a contest!?!?!)
 Looking at a new sewing book with Grandma. She also fixed a pair of maternity pants for me...I am always awed at her sewing skills!
 Saturday was "Baby Shower Day". Thanks to all the wonderful ladies who made it possible! This cute fruit salad was made by Boni Stoller. She's got talent! (Sorry, couldn't get the pic flipped right)
 So glad some of my family could be there for it!
 Going home outfits from Aunt Alisha! Boy? or Girl?
 After the shower we went to "Capital T" a tea shop off of Broadway for lunch and tea. Yummy!
 Sunday before church picture. Dan graciously gave up being in the picture to take this for us...much to his dismay I'm sure! haha....
Thanks so much for making the trip out here! We loved showing you CO and just being together like old times...love you all so much!

PS. Alisha stayed for a whole another week! If I can find photo's I'll add some... But just in case, an overview of our time together: Monday, after dropping off the others at the airport, Dan, Lish and I went to Waterworld! It was a cold and rather rainy day but that made for short lines! I didn't do a lot of the rides, only the smooth ones...but Alisha and Dan did most of them! We might have fit in a game of "Ticket to Ride" that evening. :)  I had to nanny Tues, Wed, and Thurs, so Alisha came along. It was great having another set of hands with the kiddos! They both loved her! Going back to work without her was definitely kind of sad. Friday we three went on a doughnut run (cause this preggo lady was craving them!) and then garage saling with Dan's mom. Then, we set to work. Alisha made 5 cakes for the Western Church Invite which was in Denver that weekend (thanks so much!) while Dan and I cleaned the apartment for guests. Friday night-Sunday was the invite. (a lovely weekend) Alisha then left us for California Sunday evening. She drove with some of the YGers who were at the invite. Such a traveler! :) As always Lish, come anytime! We love having you! You're quite the gal...I love seeing how God is growing you into an even more beautiful woman! Love you!


  1. It was a super fabulous time!!! So many great memories. Look forward to seeing a baby the next time I visit!
    A Joan

  2. Looks like you all had a GREAT time.Looking forward to seeing you in Oct.

  3. Aww How fun that you had some of your family there with you!

  4. Isn't family time the best? I'm so glad you got some quality time with some dear souls you don't see very often. :) I have been wondering how your pregnancy is going--hopefully great!

  5. What a beautiful group of ladies, how fun!
    Heard you are heading this way in the near future, so excited to see you! (hopefully see you anyway)
