Wednesday, February 6, 2013

3 Months

My little one is getting bigger! Today Sophia Ann turns three months! Time is flying! She is such a good baby...I am so thankful! Though she likes being held, she often just likes to lay flat too. She loves her play mat and bouncer seat but her favorite toy/comfort for sleeping is her blankies! Sophie loves holding them, chewing on them and pulling them up by her face to snuggle in for a nap. Often, if she is tired, I will put a blanket up by her face and she'll be out like a light bulb! It is nice to have that for comfort!

She has been having a little more difficulty with the whole sleeping at night for long periods thing. She was doing up to 7 hours at a time but these last week or so its only been around 4. :( Any advice? Is she possibly going through a growth spurt? Normally if she wakes up in the night I can put in her pacy and she is good for at least another hour or more. But lately it hasn't been the case...she wants to eat!

Anyways, this mommy is still very much in love and thoroughly enjoying being a mom! Dad is definitely a fan too! :) Last night we went out to eat with Daddy after work and he just kept cooing at Sophia and telling her that he missed her that day. She loves him right back. I will try and not get annoyed that when she started cooing she cooed at him first! ;)

Hey! I'm 3 months old today!
 Oh wait! Mom, does this mean I'm OLD?!?!
It doesn't? Oh goooood!
 I'll smile to that!
 Have a great day folks! :)


  1. haha I love the pictures of her:) They totally brightened my day!! 22 more days! :D


    My two cents....yes, she is going thru a growth spurt. One of the ways you can tell is if she wakes up at odd times and wants to EAT!!! If she does a full feeding at those times where she was sleeping before means she is growing and needs that extra milk. Now if she just wakes up and barely eats, then most likely its not a growth spurt but rather she just needs to learn to sleep. Alot of times growth spurts happen at 3, 6 and 9 months. THey can skip them and sleep right thru those spurts but often if they are drinking a full meal at that time they are GROWING:). This is what my doctor said to me anyways!! Have so MUCH FUN with the Furrer's and Tanner's!!!

    1. Thanks Sandra...She does seem to be eating more at those times than she would I'm thinking growth spurt. How long does a spurt normally last? I'll see what she's still doing after our guests leave and then maybe have a lesson on sleeping! Thanks for the advice! :)

  3. I asked on FB ow she was sleeping....guess you answered my question :) She is a cutie! To answer your question, Sandra told me Ellie went through a 2 week growth spurt where she got up at night. I didn't really experience that with Jacki. Sounds like your a great mom! Love you!

  4. Thanks for the pictures/comments, Tess! (Good thing I was so patiently waiting, it was worth it!) :) Although I must admit, I just miss you so much more now! :( Sophia really is growing and changing; love the 3 month pictures! Such a big girl! We'll pray for safe travels to Haiti, have a wonderful trip!!
