Friday, April 9, 2010

Nature walks and Garage Sales

Dan worked until 9pm last night so after a decently busy day and a supper of leftover spaghetti, I went for a walk! Close to our apartment complex there is a old farm (of sorts) with lots of open space, trails, and creek. Trees too...which I LOVE. After walking for a bit I found a spot by the creek that Dan I visited when we were engaged. I sat down and was just thinking and praying when a male Mallard duck swam upstream past me. All of a sudden he stopped then snapped up some bugs. A little later, two animals also came swimming upstream. There was a little waterfall that they got out to climb over. At first I though they looked like rats...but then I realized they weren't. Muskrat? Mink? Weasel? Hmmm.
I was just heading back when an older friendly gentleman passed walking his dog. He seemed nature savvy so I told him about the mystery animals. I spotted them again and pointed them out. He thought they were river otters! He told me of a spot downstream where there was evidence of beavers! I went there and sure enough...there was a couple big trees knawed on! Big shavings were at the base of the tree....we'll have to keep an eye on their progress.
As I walked home I saw a large bird...though unfortunately I don't know what it was. A big aunt hill, and last but not least, a HUGE raccoon! He was totally oblivious of me. He just waddled by the creek. :)
I got home after the sun disappeared behind the mountains. I looked up river otters...and I'm thinking the ones I saw were too little...maybe it was a mink or a muskrat after all...anyways, they were cool! And, I had a lovely walk!

River Otter
This morning, Dan, his mom, and I went garage sale-ing! We came home with a few good buys! ;) To name a few: Dan got a brand new in-the-box metal tool box...of which he he quite pleased!

Dan getting to work filling his new tool box One of my favorites!!! All but one of these I got cheap! :) I'm excited to start reading them!

My other fav. (for only a few bucks) Dan had the brilliant idea to put it in the corner by our kitchen table...its perfect for my herbs and the tulip Mom L. gave us for Easter!


  1. Cute table!! That would be easy to paint if you ever wanted to change the color. Those books look old. What are they? Classics? Find any knew jobs?

  2. I was going to ask the same...what are those books called? I would NOT paint that table...from this picture it looks amazing!! Good find!!
    Yeah...any new job prospects??

  3. You do have my blog address don't you?? I noticed Im not on your blogs list you read....let me know if I need to send you an invite:). Was thinking I did, but maybe I forgot and Im sorry if I did!!

  4. Joy: Yes, the books are classics! And the big brown one is a reference book...old fashioned advice about running a small farm, beauty, accounting etc....random information!
    Sandra:I tried to add you to the list..but it won't let me! I think I'm added...cause I can read yours! I go through Joys to keep up on your blog.
    Both: As of now, now new job prospects. I've been helping a lady from church with her and her husbands business books...but nothing long term

  5. Hey Tess!! How exciting that you have a blog--I saw Dani tonight and she informed me that you started one. :)

    It seems like ages since we've talked-- I hope you're doing great! :)

    Love ya!

  6. sound like you had a nice walk and I like your garage sale things.

  7. Sure nice talking with you today. Great finds!! Love the table. Your walking place sounds terrific, makes me want to come check it out!
